Ice cleats are traction aids that fit over your footwear to provide you additional traction when walking on slippery or icy conditions. Rip’s Cleats™ are easy to use, lightweight and can be put over many types of footwear.
Rips Cleats™ is manufactured in a 3 and 4 spike configuration, these spikes penetrate into the ice with every step, providing you the ultimate traction on ice and compact snow. The three spikes are mounted on a rubber puck that is 5/8″ narrower than the traditional 4 spikes, to fit children’s boots and narrower women’s footwear.
The “ Go Where you Go’ rotatable design of our cleats ensures that you always have the traction needed when encountering icy services for all industries and recreation, but allows you to simply rotate the cleats to the top of your footwear when entering buildings, climbing ladders or when driving a vehicle, etc..
Our cleats are manufactured locally in Dawson Creek B.C. Canada by seniors, retirees and stay at home families. Our cleats were originally created to aid local elderly maneuver over icy or slippery conditions. They quickly became versatile to all industries due to their optimum quality and aggressiveness.
Here at Rip’s Cleats we are proud to say our products are Canadian manufactured. But it goes a little further than just Canadian manufactured…Rip’s Cleats are Northern Canadian manufactured by seniors, retirees and work from home families right here in Dawson Creek, British Columbia. Who would have guessed just about 40 years ago a local shoe cobbler would have the idea to protect people from slips, trips and falls on ice. Want to be a part of this incredible Canadian success story by becoming a Rip’s Cleats Dealer? It’s as simple as filling out the credit application on our website,, or give us a call at 250-782-4318. We would be more than happy to talk to you.
Easy as 1, 2, 3….to become a dealer of Rip’s Cleats, the ‘Go where you Go’ rotatable ice cleat,
1. Go to our website at
2. Fill out the Dealer Credit Application Form.
3. Make your first order.
It’s really that simple. Orders can be made by email at or by phone at 250-782-4318. Let us know that you are stocking our products at your location to have the benefit of your Company’s name on our ‘Dealers Near Me’ map.
Give us a call anytime if you have questions.
The slippery weather conditions can cause accidents and injuries while walking. So, it is important to take care of all the major aspects and stay healthy and safe. I always make use of ice cleats for boots to protect myself from uncertain situations. Ice cleats are available for both shoes and boots. It is important to walk in a smooth pace even after wearing ice cleats for extra protection that I always keep in my mind. The outstanding traction is required in the wintery slippery conditions like black ice, slush, ice and deep snow. Getting well-positioned studs can do the task for you and make you move around freely.
Durability Matters A LotWhile choosing any winter traction for boots, make sure that the straps are strong enough. Broken straps can be very frustrating when you are in the middle of ice. This is the reason why you should always take the quality of straps in mind and buy the best ice cleats.
Well-Designed Straps Are CrucialThe design of straps is also important that should fit into your shoes or boots. Remember that choosing wrong ice cleats can even increase the risk to fall down. It is better to have a close look at the design and size of these straps according to your footwear so that you’ll not face any problem to align them.
Hiking with ConfidenceIf you are interested to do something adventurous like hiking in the snowy weather condition, rotating cleats for shoes are for you. It is easy to adjust them in your footwear and walk as per your pace. Hiking can be done confidently by putting this safety guard. When you have added protective items like ice cleats, you’ll get extreme self-belief. This happens to me every time I put on ice cleats for boots and enjoy walking in slippery wintry conditions. For more details please click Rips Cleats
If you wear boots in snowy and slippery weather conditions, it is important to keep the safety aspects in your mind. Heavy duty cleats are designed to make your boots become sturdy and walk in all types of snow-clad places comfortably. These heavy duty cleats have a great performance in comparison to other cleats. I always keep the high-quality cleats in my boots for my protection.
Prevent From Slipping Off In Adverse Weather ConditionsWearing boots with heavy duty cleats can even help you pass even difficult slope tests. Their staying power is highly praiseworthy that offer better grip to the surface. Slip off can be very dangerous to your health and it is better to wear appropriate boots to carry on walking without any trouble. The amazing design of the sole will stay in good standing positions. This would prevent you to move backward and walk in your pace smoothly.
Sticky-Sharp Tips For Incredible GrippingThe sticky-sharp tips of heavy duty cleats are good to stay strong in fiercest weather conditions. They make sure to protect you from getting slipped in slippery places. Fearlessly go anywhere, anytime, wearing boots with sharp cleats. This is important as well because you need to adapt to different situations properly to keep on doing your core jobs as per your comfort level. For this, you can wear the valuable heavy duty cleats and walk without any trouble.
Heavy duty cleats usually last longer and give the real worth of money. This is another reason why people choose such strip to strengthen the surface. Running is also possible wearing them and that too with better traction. Proper grip to surface plays a big role to stay in a good condition. Make sure to get the elegant safety measure by considering these well-designed and built cleats and give relief to your feet.
Walking, trekking and hiking are some of the most preferred options for an amazing vacation. While trekking is more challenging, people generally go hiking which is easy and doesn’t test your endurance power or physical strength. Because most of the hiking areas should not be explored without proper safety, you need rotating cleats for shoes in order to easily cross the slippery surfaces.
If you are also planning a hiking trip, you need to consider some important tips for your own safety and better experience. You also need to select the place where you could enjoy. For example, if you love the snow, you can select higher hill areas to enjoy the snowfall. Just get your hands on winter traction for boots and you are good to go.
Here are some important tips you need to consider:
Gear List: You need to make a list of gears that you need during your trip. For example, if you are going to an icy environment to enjoy the snowfall, you should get ice cleats for boots. Proper gears will help you in odd situations. Map: It is the most important one. Rather than relying on online maps, you should carry a copy of the printed map. The mobile network is generally not available in hiking areas. Hiking Time: Hiking should be done during the day. It’s easy to get lost during the night. Plus, hiking areas is generally full of wild animals that roam in the night and can cause serious damage. Know the Hiking Area: It’s better to research about the area before you actually go there to explore. For example, if it rains over there, you should keep rotating cleats for shoes for better traction. You also need to know about local hunting areas, local poisonous plants, and local wild animals.
So these were some of the most important safety tips to consider before going on a hiking trip. Make sure you follow them, especially the gear part.
January 19, 2018 DEAR MR RIPLEY: Today I bought a pair of your ‘SHARP’ Rip’s Cleats, as I’ve been in prayer for just this type of boot ice cleat….and GOD is so faithful as HE led me to a local HELMIG Fire Equipment Inc store where they sell your cleats THAT ARE 100% KICK BUTT!!!!!!! UURRAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! and I JUST READ YOUR BACKSTORY and congratulations ON YOUR SUCCESS IN THIS LIKE TOTALLY CREDIBLY STUPENDOUS CREATION OF YOUR RIP’S CLEATS!!!!! I wear muck artic sport boots all winter, here in the Canadian Rockies as I own a small acerage rurally and have five dogs YUPPERS!!! A WHOLE LOTTA DOG WALKING!!! as well as do lots of client dog care.(and am completely OCD about all dog poo being readily scooped and removed!!!)AND NOW I HAVE YOUR EASY TO USE RIP’S CLEATS TO ENSURE MY SAFE WALKS AND SCOOPS!!! Our winters here in West Central Alberta have drastically changed as no longer do we just have January chinooks, we now have 2 weeks of actual winter followed by 2 weeks of warming chinooks where all the previos snow melts into a lake of ice, trails of ice, etc.. AND your Rip’s Cleats fit on my Muck’s perfectly and now I’m back in THE EASE of enjoying my dog walks, THANKS TO YOU!!! There’s a quote from one of my fav teachers, Joyce Meyer: “Take your mess AND turn it into a message”…And you did just that, Mr Ripley! Your fall and subsequent head injury/stitches put a passion in you to create for yourself and others a product with the delivered message of SAFETY!!! Again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! May you and your family enjoy GOD given blessings and prosperity in every area of your lives!!! AND may your RIP’S CLEATS GET PATENTED!!!
Received via Email from
Wendy Burns…
From a June 5, 2017 article in the Dawson Creek Mirror:
Local Entrepreneur and Rotarian of the year Frank Ripley is helping the world march towards a future free of polio.
Ripley has joined Rotary past district Governor Tim Schilds to help children with Polio through their immunization program.
Ripley—inventor of the wildly popular Rip’s Ice Cleats—is donating a portion of the profits from each pair of cleats sold to support the End Polio Now Program.
The money raised goes towards immunizing children from Polio.
Easy To Apply!
Never slip or fall again on the icy roads, slippery snowbanks and other winter hazards. Sold all over Canada at your favourite local retailers we know you will find these indispensable.
Our Beryllium Copper Cleats are spark resistent and are designed or industries like Aircraft Refueling or any environment where there are explosive hazards.
Support Business
We currently have 135 locations across ten provinces and growing. This saves you shipping and supports local business in your community!
Safety Comes First
Everyday we strap on our safety vests, hardhats, safety gloves and more. Rips Cleats™ protect your entire body and save you from falls and slips on ice!
Hundreds are injured daily
The stats are alarming…hundreds of people are injured (many critically) when slipping on ice and snow. Injuries range from scrapes to broken hips and backs.
Fall Injuries involving Seniors are brutal
Seniors cannot afford to slip or fall on ice. Although many of our clients in industry use our products, seniors cannot be forgotten as falls / slips are devastating.
Injuries Cost Money…its that simple
The cost of having an employee injured on the job slipping on ice is expensive. The reality is the cost of ice cleats are miniscule compared to a long term medical claim.
Paramedics and First Aid Workers
Carrying patients up and down ice covered stairs and driveways is a fact of life. Attending automobile crashes and trying to negotiate slippery roads is risky!
Farm Safety
Everyday, Farmers and Ranchers risk falls and slips in the yard, while heading to the barn or corral and simply walking out to the tractor. Farms need Rips Cleats™ this winter.
Customized for every industry
For many clients, the Sharps and Blunts are perfect. If you walk on floors or in and out of buildings, the Blunts are perfect. Need some Cleats that are spark resistant? Check out our Cermac or Beryllium Copper.
A good hoof-it will give you the exercise you need!
Finding the motivation to exercise can be challenging at any time of year. Add cold weather and shorter days to the mix, and working out – especially outdoors – can seem like a tremendous feat. However, according to many studies, outdoor recreation is good for one’s physical and mental health.
Many heath experts today recommend cold-weather walking as an opportunity to get the fitness you need.
Rip’s Cleats can provide the traction you need when walking outside during the winter. Not only do they help those working outside on ice and snow but are perfect for Seniors and many others needing to get outside, but without the risks of slipping.
Whether it’as a walk to the park with your sweetie or taking the dog out for their morning run; Rip’s ice cleats can eliminate the risks.
Source: Hamilton Spectator (Shel Sheehan-Bernard)
The answer to the above question is simple – YES. With winter weather fast approaching (or in some cases already here), you should seriously consider a purchase of Rip’s Cleats for yourself or employees. This form of personal protection equipment will lower the risk of slips and fall injuries. Slips and falls on ice and snow often times is the number one cause of recordable incidents for those employees that have to brave the winter elements.
One of the biggest complaints people have is the need to remove them when moving inside. Rip’s Cleats have eliminated this by designing an Ice Cleat that rotates onto the top of the boot / shoe. This protects slips and falls on slippery floors or surfaces. When ready to head back out onto the ice and snow, you can quickly and easily rotate to the down position in seconds.
Its not just about improving traction underfoot, its about creating a safe work environment so that you reinvest those saving back the bottom line.
Originally written by Keven Moore.
Image Above: Frank Ripley the cobbler in his Dawson Creek shop. Photograph By Zoë Ducklow, Dawson Creek Mirror Frank Ripley has been fixing boots from the Peace and beyond for over 50 years. As far as he knows, he’s the only cobbler from here to Anchorage, AK. Customers come from as far north as Dawson City, YK.
In July, 2016, Frank Ripley was recognized for more than just his skill with shoes. Frank was named Rotarian of the Year by the Rotary Club of Dawson Creek, in recognition for his long-time community service.
“I always get involved in the community wherever I go,” Frank said.
He has plenty of stories about the shoe trade.
“There’s one guy who brings his cowboy boots—he’s a real cowboy, an outfitter north of Dawson City. He was camping once, with all his gear in secondary tent when a bear came along and chewed on his boots,” Frank said. “So they have these bear marks on them. A lot of history there. He brings them in to be re-soled every year.”
It’s an honour to be named Rotarian of the Year, he said, but he shrugs it off saying the whole club works hard together, and he’s no different.
“I’m not a fame and fortune kind of guy, you know. I’m not going to let it get to my head. There were other choices, other people who work hard too, but they chose me. So that feels good, but we all work hard together, so I guess it was just my number was up.”
Frank Ripley got his cobbling start as a 15 year-old working as an assistant. In the 70s, he attended a 10-month cobbler school in Vancouver before setting up Rip’s Shoe Re-Nu in Dawson Creek.
Alvin comes to Rip’s Cleats with extensive experience calling on and selling into the Transportation, Agricultural, Automotive and Industrial industries throughout central to Northern B.C, Alberta, Yukon and NWT. Alvin has operated as a factory representative for chemical companies plus lubricants and lubrication devices. Recently Alvin has joined the Rip’s salesforce team to keep up with the increasing growth of the company, clients and promotion of new products. Alvin’s personality and expertise is appreciated by all at Rip’s cleats.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Alvin for additional product information, ordering and dealer enquiries. He can be emailed at:
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